Leadership Camp – July 10th & 11th

The 2017 McGavock Band Student Leadership Camp takes place Monday, 7/10 9-noon and Tuesday, 7/11 1-4 PM. A reminder that attendance is mandatory for all potential leaders as well as named leaders of the marching band. We welcome back Mr. Rick Haley as he will speak on Monday, 7/10. The May Student Leadership Summit was a great way to kick off our leadership for the new year. See you there!

Peach Fundraiser Cancelled

We have just been informed by the Lane Peach Co. that due to weather conditions, there will not be a crop of peaches in August. They are very sorry about this, but it is out of their control. Please return any money collected for this fundraiser. There are many more fundraisers coming up for you to participate in to help pay your child’s fair share account. You can currently do the Kroger Plus Cards, donation letter, and mail wells.

Yankee Candle Fundraiser

Yankee candle sale begins May 2nd and ends May 23rd.  Packets will be available in the band room on May 2nd.  You can use the catalog to sell items or set up an online account to sell orders.  Orders placed online will be sent to the buyer’s home.  Checks are made payable to McGavock Band Boosters.  Catalog orders will arrive about three weeks after the paperwork is turned in.  You will receive 40% profit for your fair share account.  Please contact Christy Earl at earlfamily391@gmail.com if you have questions.

NEED: High Angle Photo of Marching Band

Good morning!

We are in need of a high quality/high angle photo of the marching band show for use on the senior band plaque. The one we have from COC has lighting issues that eliminates it from being used. Please email Mr. Hazlett or Mr. Womack if you have a photo for use no later than Monday 4/10 or we will have to explore other options for the plaque.

Also, we are still in need of more action shots of the band from the 2016 season for the website! Please email links to Mr. Womack for posting on the band website.

Thank you,
John David Hazlett
Director of Bands